Business Model of Felicium

2 min readJul 25, 2020

In my previous article, I talked about what is Smart Agreement and how Felicium is aiming to implement this new idea with the world. You can find that article my this link:

Today I am going to talk about the Business model of Felicium. Let’s jump into the main topic.

Business Model

There are various sources from where felicium will earn some revenue to maintain the platform and develop the platform as the need arise.


The developer must decide how the Smart Agreement will carry out the underlying real-life arrangement, once a smart arrangement is created. The Felicium Framework can offer visibility into the Smart Agreement cost through this phase. Based on the form of a situation, it would make sense to charge either a flat price or a percentage. However, before the final launch, it will be noticeable. The goal of the charge would be to deliver Felicium ‘s services at an amazing pace.

Dynamic Proof of Stake

Because the Felicium token is the power for the Felicium Project, it would, therefore, be appropriate to raise or reject the Smart Smart Contract for the terms for the facilitator fees paid. The Felicium Project earns a section for the facilitator ‘s fee to offset expenditures. We use the concept of dynamic evidence of stake in this situation.
Where a Smart Contract is introduced, a charge for the Felicium Network is set. Felicium tokens are likely to substantially reduce the price.

For eg, the threshold will be lowered when the demand for tokens is strong. Sales of tokens are promoted. The threshold would be elevated if demand is low. Encouragement of tokens kept. To ensure that the network continues to work. Upon forming a Smart Agreement, potential threshold adjustments would have little impact. Current deals only refer to increases in the level. It is recommended to keep Felicium tokens to guarantee the lowest cost available through the usage of Felicium facilities.


Felicium ‘s ability is extraordinary, as shown by the usage cases. The confidence in this project is in reality that the emphasis is applied to beginning spin-off goods once the Felicium network has been developed. These ventures will help foster Felicium ‘s biodiversity and function as the main exhibits that highlight the importance of Felicium.


It is obvious that a good business plan and the case for practical usage have been established for this initiative. This project will offer the answer citizens are currently facing with intelligent help from society.

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This article is not meant to give commercial or any other kind of advice. It is just an informative text at all.

